Friday, March 16, 2012

Wild fire

I'm in love with you, it happened abruptly and out of nowhere but nonetheless it was clear as the day while I was in your arms that I am indeed in love with you. 

Our teenage love grew like a wild fire, it's still growing. I've spent the last thirteen months knowing the true beauty of love and words did little justice to explain how much I cared for Qi. We spent every moments we can of our time together. The energy of life seemed to be much more wonderful with him. I had found the piece to my puzzle. I found you. You are the perfect one, you loved each and everyone of my weird, wonderful and crazy sides. You would call me in the middle of the night when I go to bed all mad and you play your guitar and sing to me. You held my hand and said the lamest jokes when I was getting my belly pierced, you helped me with maths, you seem to always know the answer to my problems. We spend months together without you complaining or marking the things in me or my personality, you made me believe that I was perfect. I know i'm not, no one is. When my friends and family let me down you showed me how much you loved me, you began to be my best friend, my soul. I have not trusted anyone in the way I trust you. We became big parts of each others lives. I am a strong girl and you've known that since we first met. I knew you would never let me down, never break me in two, never to hurt me. I still remember when we first started dating, everyone said it wasn't going to work out, they said you weren't the one for me. Here we are, you and me together, strong as ever. That fire that burned passionate in our hearts is still here.

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