Saturday, January 26, 2013


I hate how I still have that little feeling in me, I hate how I can't just leave it behind and forget about it, I hate how I pretend and lie to myself about it, I hate it. I don't want anything to do with it. It bloody sucks and it's slowly killing me. I know I'm stronger than this, what happened to me? Keeping myself busy is so far the only way not to think about it. Maybe that's why I love being busy, I just get to forget everything. At least for awhile. So much emotions and feelings bottled up in me, I just don't know who and when to pour it all out. I've always been the type of person who bottles everything up and it's not good. Now that bottle's slowly breaking. It amazes me how I can just pretend everything's fine when it's clearly not.

Literally broke down in school, in the teachers room. I stormed out like a bitch crying and just pushed everyone who came running behind me trying to comfort me away. Stress and feelings has got into me. I need a break.